

单词 tumblr


See also: Tumblr



tumblr (plural tumblrs)

  1. Alternative letter-case form of Tumblr (a microblog on Tumblr).
    • 2012, Sean Mahoney, The Rough Guide to Social Media for Beginners: Getting Started with Facebook, Twitter and Google+, Rough Guides, →ISBN:
      As in the web version, upon opening the mobile app you’ll be taken to your dashboard and a list of all the most recent posts from the tumblrs you follow.
    • 2013, Thomas Eisenmann, editor, Managing Startups: Best Blog Posts, O’Reilly Media, →ISBN, page 192:
      People create their tumblrs and link to them from their email signatures and Facebook and Twitter profiles.
    • 2017, Dinu Gabriel Munteanu, “Improbable Curators: Analysing Nostalgia, Authorship and Audience on Tumblr Microblogs”, in James Graham and Alessandro Gandini, editors, Collaborative Production in the Creative Industries, University of Westminster Press, →ISBN, page 150:
      All participants feel that their tumblrs ‘reflect parts of their personality’, with many of them identifying very strongly with the content, layout, style and mood of their websites.



tumblr m (plural tumblrs)

  1. a microblog created on Tumblr; tumblelog
    • 2015 August 7, “En Allemagne, une présentatrice prend position pour « clouer au pilori » les racistes”, in Le Monde:
      En réaction, Anja Reschke a compilé les commentaires les plus virulents sur un tumblr, divulguant identité de leurs auteurs et renvoyant même vers leurs pages Facebook.
      (please add an English translation of this quote)



tumblr m (plural tumblrs)

  1. a microblog created on Tumblr; tumblelog




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