地雷自毁机构 mine self-destruction mechanism
地雷: 地雷自毁机构 mine self-destruction mechanism
(辛勤抚养) take great pains to bring up (a child):
(辜负) let sb. down; be unworthy of; do a disservice to; be unfair to:
(辞谢赠品) decline (a gift) with thanks
(辨别力) judgment; discrimination:
(辨别正确发展方向的依据) a guide (to action)
(辩解的理由) excuse:
(边境) national borders
(达到目的的捷径) shortcut to success; the golden key to success; the royal road; a shortcut
(迁就; 将就) make do with; put up with
(迂腐之人) pedant:
(迂腐) pedantic
(过于鲜艳繁杂) gaudy; garish; be tricked out [up; off] in gaudy dress
(过分修饰) write in an ornate style; polish; embelish:
(过分吝啬) miserly; mean
(过分约束自己) constrained; awkward; ill at ease:
(过半) over half
(过去各任) successive:
(过去的条例或事例) old regulations; former practice
(过去的某一天) one day:
(过去的经验、荣誉等) past experience, glory, merit, etc.:
(过年景象) holiday atmosphere of the Spring Festival
(过年期间放的假) New Year holidays
(过得去) just about right [enough]; not far off; not bad:
(过意不去) feel sorry:
(过意得去, 多用于反问) feel at ease:
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