释义 |
地步地步[dì bù]1.■ (处境) condition; plight; situation; state:闹到如此地步get into such a mess; be in such a plight;这些问题到了非解决不可的地步。The matters have come to a head. 常用词组1.■ (程度) extent; degree:发展到公开对抗的地步develop to the point of an open clash;关于这个问题, 我只能讲到这个地步。That is all I can say about the question.两国边界问题弄到很不愉快的地步。The boundery question has made things very unpleasant between the two coun-tries.2.■ (余地) room for action:留地步leave room for manoeuvre; have some leeway; give oneself elbowroom |