释义 |
地地[dì]名1.■ (地球) the earth天地heaven and earth2.■ (陆地) land; soil:低 [高]地down [high] land;荒 [林]地wild [wood] land;盐碱地saline and alkaline land [soil]3.■ (土地;田地) fields:麦地wheat field;下地干活儿go and work in the fields4.■ (地面) ground; floor:水泥地cement floor5.■ (地区) place; locality:地处山区be located in a mountain area;全国各地all parts of the country; throughout the country6.■ (地点)place;site:目的地destination;所在地location; seat; site7.■ (地位) position; situation:立于不败之地be in an invincible position8.■ (花纹或文字的衬托面) background; ground:白地红花的桌布a table cloth with a pattern of red flowers on it;一块白地黑字的木牌a board with black characters on a white background9.■ (路程,用于里数、站数后) distance:20里地a distance of 20 li;我家离学院只有一站地。My home is only a bus stop from the college.10.■ (姓氏) a surname:地典Di Dian另见 de。 |