

单词 trumpisme





  1. Trumpism (characteristic uttering of Donald Trump)
    • 2016 March 13, Poul Høi, “Og den døde dommer lå med en pude over hovedet ...”, in Berlingske:
      Eller med en trumpisme: Den vinder og vinder og vinder og vinder og bliver næsten helt træt af at vinde
      Or to use a trumpism: It wins and wins and wins and wins, and almost becomes quite tired of winning.
    • 2017, Lars Trier Mogensen, Den store joker: Et portræt af Donald J. Trump, Gyldendal A/S, →ISBN:
      Eller som han selv siger med en typisk trumpisme: »Skønhed og elegance, om det er hos en kvinde, en bygning eller et kunstværk, er ikke kun noget overfladisk...
      Or as he says it himself with a typical Trumpism: "Beauty and elegance, whether in a woman, a building or a piece of art, is not just a superficial thing ...
      (please add an English translation of this quote)
    • 2020 January 20, Mads Fredeløkke, “Debat: Samarbejdsproblemer i byrådet”, in Fyns Amts Avis:
      Derfor vil jeg lære af dit læserbrev: Samarbejdet går fantastisk i Svendborg og avisen er, med en Trumpisme, "fake news", der har opfundet alle de samarbejdsproblemer, den har skrevet om, hvis de da ikke er Enhedslisten eller Venstres skyld.
      Therefore, I will learn from your letter: Cooperation is going fantastically in Svendborg and the newspaper is, per the Trumpism, "fake news", that has invented all the cooperation problems it has reported, unless the Red-Green Alliance or the Liberal Party are to blame.


Proper noun


  1. Trumpism
    • 2016 December 23, Sarah Kott, “Amerikansk medie: Trumpisme er populært i Danmark”, in Jyllands-Posten:
      En analyse i Washington Post konkluderer, at trumpisme er lige så populært i Danmark som i USA.
      An analysis by the Washington Post concludes that Trumpism is just as popular in Denmark as in the US
    • 2016 December 15, Mads Fuglede, “Mads Fuglede: Trumpisme – en bevægelse”, in BT:
      (please add an English translation of this quote)



Borrowed from English Trumpism. Equivalent to Trump + -isme.


  • IPA(key): /ˌtrʏmˈpɪs.mə/
  • (file)
  • Hyphenation: trum‧pis‧me
  • Rhymes: -ɪsmə


trumpisme n (uncountable)

  1. Trumpism, the nativist ideology of Donald Trump and his supporters
  • trumpist
  • trumpistisch



  • IPA(key): /tʁœm.pism/, /tʁœm.pizm/
  • (file)


trumpisme m (plural trumpismes)

  1. Trumpism (political philosophy of Donald Trump)
    • 2020, Stéphanie Le Bars, “Mensonges, polarisation, rejet des normes… Le « trumpisme » au révélateur du Covid-19 [Lies, polarization, rejection of norms... ‘Trumpism’ as revealed by COVID-19]”, in Le Monde:
      A ceux qui, trois ans après l’arrivée au pouvoir de Donald Trump, s’interrogeraient sur les fondements du « trumpisme », la gestion de la pandémie due au coronavirus par le président des Etats-Unis pourrait donner quelques éléments de réponse.
      For those who, three years after Donald Trump came to power, still question the fundamentals of “Trumpism”, management of the corona virus pandemic by the President of the United States offers the elements of a solution.
  • trumpiste




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