单词 | 土地 1 |
释义 | 土地土地[tǔ dì]1.■ (田地) land; soil; ground:土地的附带权利义务incident of tenure;耕种土地till the land;丈量土地measure land;肥沃的土地fertile land; good soil2.■ (疆域) territory:我国土地辽阔, 资源丰富。Our country has a vast territory and abundant resources.3.■ (作为财产的) dirt4.■ (河边; 湖边; 海边等的) front 常用词组1.■土地报酬 payment based on land shares;2.■土地报酬递减律 law of diminishing returns;3.■土地变干 {地理} exsiccation;4.■土地参加分红 payment on land shares; dividend on land shares;5.■土地测量 land survey;6.■土地测量员 {土} land surveyor;7.■土地沉陷 land subsidence;8.■土地登记 rememberment;9.■土地电 telluric electricity;10.■土地法 land law; agrarian law;11.■土地分红 dividend on land shares;12.■土地分类 land classification;13.■土地分配 land allotment;14.■土地改革 land reform; agrarian reform;15.■土地改革法 agrarian reform law;16.■土地改革运动 movement of land reform;17.■土地改良 betterment of land; land reclamation;18.■土地革命 agrarian revolution;19.■土地革命战争 The Agrarian Revolutionary War (1927-1937);20.■土地公有制 public land ownership;21.■土地规划 reallocation of land;22.■土地规划测量 land planning survey;23.■土地规划判读 land planning interpretation;24.■土地规划图 land capability map;25.■土地国有制 state ownership of land;26.■土地集中 concentration of landholding;27.■土地级差收益 differential earnings from land; differential incomes of land;28.■土地兼并 land annexation;29.■土地纠纷 land disputes;30.■土地开垦 reclamation of land;31.■土地开垦机械 land reclamation machinery;32.■土地利用 land utilization;33.■土地利用调查 land use survey;34.■土地利用规划 land utilization planning;35.■土地利用级别 {土} land-use classes;36.■土地利用类型 land use pattern;37.■土地利用图 {测} land-use map;38.■土地平整工程 land leveling project;39.■土地入股分红 receive payment on the basis of their shares of the land; pooling their lands and drawing dividends on these land shares;40.■土地入股, 统一经营 pooling of land as shares and unifying management;41.■土地山林水利纠纷 disputes arising from the use of farmland, forest and irrigation;42.■土地渗滤处理 {土} land treatment;43.■土地使用费 land-use fee;44.■土地使用权 land-use right; right to use land;45.■土地使用税 land use charge;46.■土地使用证书 land use certificate; land utilization certificate;47.■土地税 land tax;48.■土地私有权的垄断 monopoly of private ownership of the land;49.■土地私有制 private land ownership;50.■土地所有人 land holder;51.■土地所有制 land ownership;52.■土地图 plat;53.■土地下沉 land subsidence;54.■土地有偿使用 paid land use;55.■土地银行 land bank;56.■土地有偿使用 paid land use;57.■土地增殖税 increment tax on land value;58.■土地占有热 land hunger;59.■土地丈量单位 land measure;60.■土地徵用 expropriation of land;61.■土地整理 consolidation;62.■土地政策 land policy;63.■土地证 land certificate; land deed; title-deed;64.■土地制度 land system;65.■土地资本主义经营垄断 monopoly of capitalist use of the land;66.■土地资源 land resources;67.■土地租费 land rental;68.■土地租赁 land leasing;69.■土地租约 land lease |
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