

单词 augt




From Proto-Balto-Slavic *augtei, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂ewg- (to increase, to become many). Cognates include Lithuanian áugti, Old Prussian auginnons (having raised) (cf. Latvian audzināt), Gothic 𐌰𐌿𐌺𐌰𐌽 (aukan, to increase, to grow), Old Norse auka (to increase), Sanskrit उग्र (ugrá, mighty, powerful), Avestan 𐬎𐬔𐬭𐬀 (ugra, strong), Ancient Greek αὐξάνω (auxánō, to increase, to make grow), Latin augeō (to raise, to increase).[1]


  • IPA(key): [âwkt]


augt (intr., 1st conj., pres. augu, audz, aug, past augu)

  1. to grow (to become bigger as a result of normal biological development)
    augošs bērnsgrowing child
    ozols aug lēnāmthe oak tree grows slowly
    pārstāt augtto stop growing
    labā zemē labība aug kupliin good earth, the corn grows thick
    bārda, mati augbeard, hair grows
    kazlēnam aug ragithe goat kid is growing horns (lit. horns are growing to the goat kid)
    mācies, liels un gudrs audz, lai reiz dzīve sasniedz daudzlearn, grow big and wise, so that in life you'll achieve a lot
  2. to grow (to spend one's childhood and/or adolescence)
    augt bez mātesto grow without a mother
    zēni auga uz laukiemthe boys grew in the fields
    meitene aug bērnu namāthe girl is growing in an orphanage
  3. to grow, to mature, to grow into (to become bigger, stronger, to become (something) as a result of the growing process)
    augt par krietnu cilvēkuto grow into a decent, honest person
  4. (of plants; usually 3rd person) to grow (to be found, to live, to exist)
    magnolias aug dienvidosmagnolias grow in the south
    melnalkšņi aug mitrās vietāsblack alders grow in humid, damp areas
    avenes aug pudurosraspberries grow in clusters
    gailenes aug pa vairākam kopā, it kā izsētaschanterelle mushrooms grow several together, as if (they had been) sown
    Jorens pabrīnās, ka te pašā piekrastē var augt tik liels dārzsJorens was surprised (to see) that there, on the coast, such a big garden could grow
  5. to grow (to increase in size or number; to develop, to become better, to spread wider)
    rūpniecība augthe industry is growing
    aug pilsētasthe cities are growing
    tautas ienākumi augpeople's income is growing
    aug grāmatu lāsītāju skaitsthe number of book readers is growing
    ēnas augthe shadows are growing
    diena augthe day is growing (= becoming longer)
    viņam šķita, ka spēki aug kā senās jaunības dienāsit seemed to him that his strength was growing as in the days of (his) youth
  6. (of feelings; usually 3rd person) to grow (to become stronger, more intense)
    aug cerībahope is growing
    aug pašapziņa(one's) self-confidence is growing
    aug intereseinterest is growing
    aug naidshatred is growing
    augošas bažasgrowing concern
    Andriksona izsalkums auga, līdz ar to viņa saīgumsAndriksons' hunger grew and with it his grumpiness, peevishness
  7. to grow, to develop (to strengthen one's skills, talents, to broaden one's horizons, one's knowledge)
    'augošs zinātnieksa growing, developing scientist
    teātris aug līdzi dzīveitheater grows together with (= accompanying the course of) life
    plašā lasītāju saime un kritika spēj palīdzēt rakstniekiem straujāk augt un pilnveidotiesa wide readership and criticism can help a writer grow more rapidly and realize his/her potential
  8. (of skin infections, infected areas of the body) to grow, to swell (to fill up with pus; to spread over the skin)
    augonis augthe boil is growing, swelling
    viņam aug pirkstshis finger is growing, swelling
    sāk kāja augtthe leg began to grow, swell
    bērnam aug bakassmallpox is growing (= spreading) on the child


Derived terms

prefixed verbs:
  • aizaugt
  • apaugt
  • ataugt
  • ieaugt
  • izaugt
  • noaugt
  • paaugt
  • pāraugt
  • pieaugt
  • saaugt
  • uzaugt
other derived terms:
  • augonis
  • augtene
  • augums
  • audzējs
  • audzēt, audzināt
  • auglis
  • auglīgs, auglība, auglīgums
  • augļkopis, augļkope, augļkopība
  • augļi, augļotājs
  • augs, augkopība
  • augša, augšā, augšup
  • augsme
  • augsne
  • augsts, augstums, augstība
  • aukle, auklēt


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), augt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN




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