

单词 tradthot




Blend of traditional + thot


tradthot (plural tradthots)

  1. (slang) A woman who professes traditional family values, while not behaving in that manner
    • 2017 December 7, James Warren, “The Misogynist Civil War Within the Alt-Right”, in VanityFair:
      He “intoned to his followers on YouTube about how they had been grifted by the 'tradthots.'”. “Scratch a traditional girl, one who has some kind of fame, and you reveal a feminist every single time,” Roosh warned his acolytes.
    • 2017 December 11, Andrew Anglin, “The Anglin Fix: Lauren Southern’s Single Career Option (Excluding Suicide)”, in Daily Stormer:
      I wanted to see her crash and burn because I think she and other tradthots are harming the Alt-Right.
    • 2018 February 7, Andrew Anglin, “RACE WARSKI LIVE: Roosh V vs. Brigade of Camwhores”, in Daily Stormer:
      Basically, Roosh was brought in thinking Brittany was some kind of tradthot, when in actual fact, she has female autism and was trolling him by mocking tradthots. She is actually like, really straightforward about being a camwhore.
    • 2018 April 12, Jared Trueheart, “Ben Shapiro Is The Original Tradthot”, in Return of Kings:
      Tradthots have several characteristics. They preach they value of living a traditional life but do not practice what they preach. They are not innovators, preferring to let more daring thinkers articulate arguments before they echo those same points. They profit from the dissident right, and are better at profiting from it than those daring thinkers.
      With all that in mind it should be blatantly obvious that the biggest and original tradthot is Ben Shapiro.
    • 2018 May 4, Adam Piggott, “We can never have enough enemies”, in The XYZ:
      We’re so desperate for approval from the left that we immediately ingratiate ourselves and hero worship anyone, and I mean anyone who says anything vaguely resembling conservative thought. Even better if they’re black, or gay, or some tradthot, or a left wing Canadian professor of a dubious and discredited field of pseudo-science. Ooohh! Validation!
    • 2018 July 20, David Hiscox, “Lauren Southern wears skirt in Melbourne winter”, in The XYZ:
      Interestingly, being the TradTHOT that she is, Lauren Southern wore a skirt, with bare legs, in the Melbourne winter.
    • 2018 August 13, Beau Albrecht, “7 Ways That Modern Women Use Their Bodies To Profit From Male Thirst”, in Return of Kings:
      I’d prefer not getting into the tradthot debate, but this is the basic idea. Some female vloggers are making a living mainly because they’re cute, not from the ideas which they discuss but usually didn’t originate and sometimes don’t exemplify personally. Basically, they’re much like regular celebrities, though with better political messages.
    • 2019 July 18, Rachel Haywire, “What if Elliot Rodger met Nasim Aghdam?”, in Splice Today:
      She was just another trad thot trying to get attention through her YouTube channel, right?




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