

单词 和 1
释义 和(Ⅰ、Ⅱ ②、Ⅲ 龢)[hé]1. (平和; 和缓) gentle; mild; kind:风和日暖bright sunshine and gentle breeze2. (和谐; 和睦) harmonious; on good terms:兄弟不和brothers on bad terms with each other;天时, 地利, 人和favourable climatic, geographical and human conditions1. (结束战争或争执) peace:讲和make peace;两国的领袖决定议和。The leaders of the two nations decided to make peace.2. (姓氏) a surname:和凝He Ning3. {数} (和数) sum:两数之和the sum of the two numbers4. (指日本) Japan:汉和词典Chinese-Japanese dictionary;和文the Japanese language1.(下棋或赛球不分胜负) draw; tie:那盘棋和了。That game of chess ended in a draw.我们队胜了三局,和了一局, 败了两局。Our team won three matches, drew one and lost two.1. (连带) together with:和衣而卧sleep with one's clothes on; sleep in one's clothes2. (表示相关、比较等) to; with:和这件事没有关系have nothing to do with the matter; bear no relation to it;他和我一样高。He's the same height as I.我没和他谈过这件事。I didn't talk with him about it.1.(表示联合; 跟; 与) and:我的父亲和我的叔叔my father and my uncle;一张桌子和四把椅子a table and four chairs另见 hè; hú; huó; huò。




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