

释义 听(聽、聼)[tīng]1. (用耳朵接受声音) hear; listen:去听音乐会go to a concert;听不清楚can not hear clearly;听新闻广播listen to the news programme;兼听则明, 偏信则暗。Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened; heed only one side and you will be benighted.我听了好一会儿, 可什么也没听见。I listened for quite a while, but heard nothing.2. (听从; 接受) obey; accept; heed:言听计从always follow sb.'s advice;虚心听取批评意见accept criticism with an open mind; listen attentively to the criticism;听党的话。Do as the Party says.他对批评听不进去。He turned a deaf ear to criticism.3. (治理; 判断) supervise; administer; judge:听政supervise government; administer affairs of state;听讼try a case; administer justice4. (听凭; 任凭) let be; allow:听其自然let it take its own course;听任摆布allow oneself to be ordered about;听他的便吧。Let him be.1.[方] (听子) tin; can:一听香烟a tin of cigarettes;一听肉a can of meat




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