

单词 tiki tour

tiki tour

See also: tiki-tour, Tiki Tour, and Tiki tour


Alternative forms

  • tiki-tour
  • Tiki tour
  • Tiki Tour


From Tiki Tours, the brand name of a sight-seeing company.


tiki tour (plural tiki tours)

  1. (New Zealand) A tour that visits the attractions or points of interest in an area.
    • 1990, Tane: The Journal of the Auckland University Field Club - Volume 32 (1967-90), page 185:
      No-one ventured to the Bluff or Toronui, but a van resembling a sardine tin went on a tiki tour of the huge Waipoura kauris.
    • 2008, Allan Cole, Lucky in Cyprus, →ISBN:
      He crossed the street to investigate further. The soldiers looked up at him, with friendly grins and said things like, “Takin' the tiki tour, mate?
    • 2010, Gareth Brown & ‎Kerre Woodham, Short Fat Chick to Marathon Runner, →ISBN:
      The aim was to fly down, run the half, do a quick tiki tour of the company's salmon fishery and then fly home.




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