

单词 Tiki Tour

Tiki Tour

See also: tiki-tour, tiki tour, and Tiki tour



Tiki Tour (plural Tiki Tours)

  1. Alternative form of tiki tour
    • 2010, Lynne Scott, Shadows of the Dance, →ISBN, page 144:
      After the later start, they decided against more sight seeing in favour of what Pip called, a Tiki Tour of the area, a kiwi term for a compact tour of an area.
    • 2012, Marina de Nadous, The Celestial Sea: A sacred romance and moral quest, →ISBN:
      After a while The Laird takes the little ones to bed and Adrian and I share holiday stories. “I went on a two-week Tiki Tour and ended up in Wellington,” he tells me.
    • 2012, Shelton A. Gunaratne, From Village Boy to Global Citizen: The Travels of a Journalist, →ISBN:
      As my sore throat and other symptoms of a cold disappeared from my system, I fell more at ease to end our long Tiki Tour, which began in Christchurch on December 12, 1981.




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