

单词 thorugh oute

thorugh oute

Middle English


thorugh oute

  1. completely through, right the way through
    • 1485, Sir Thomas Malory, “iij”, in Le Morte Darthur, book X:
      Syr she said here came a knyght rydyng as my lord and I rested vs here / and asked hym of whens he was / and my lord said of Arthurs courte / therfore said the stronge knyght I wille Iuste with the / for I hate alle these that ben of Arthurs Courte / And my lord that lyeth here dede amounted vpon his hors / and the stronge knyght and my lord encountred to gyder / and there he smote my lord thorugh oute with his spere
      (please add an English translation of this quote)




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