

单词 Thesaurus:死亡





  • 上天 (shàngtiān) (euphemistic)
  • 上路 (shànglù) (euphemistic)
  • 下世 (xiàshì) (formal)
  • 不在 (bùzài) (euphemistic)
  • 不幸 (bùxìng) (Classical Chinese, euphemistic)
  • 亡故 (wánggù) (literary)
  • 仙逝 (xiānshì) (euphemistic)
  • 作古 (zuògǔ) (literary, euphemistic)
  • 做鬼 (zuòguǐ) (colloquial)
  • 入寂 (rùjì) (Buddhism, of Buddhist monks)
  • 即世 (jíshì) (literary)
  • 去世 (qùshì)
  • 合眼 (héyǎn) (euphemistic)
  • 嗝屁 (gěpì) (Mandarin, vulgar, derogatory)
  • 回老家 (huí lǎojiā) (euphemistic, humorous)
  • 安息 (ānxī) (euphemistic)
  • 安眠 (ānmián) (euphemistic)
  • (bēng) (of a king, emperor, monarch, etc.)
  • 崩殂 (bēngcú) (Classical, of a king, emperor, monarch, etc.)
  • 往生 (wǎngshēng) (euphemistic)
  • 忽然 (hūrán) (Classical Chinese, euphemistic)
  • ()
  • 故世 (gùshì) (euphemistic, chiefly of one's elders)
  • 故去 (gùqù) (euphemistic, chiefly of one's elders)
  • 早死 (zǎosǐ)
  • 枯死 (kūsǐ) (literary, figurative)
  • ()
  • 死人 (sǐrén)
  • 死去 (sǐqù) (informal)
  • 死掉 (sǐdiào) (informal)
  • 永眠 (yǒngmián) (euphemistic, honorific)
  • 消忒 (Hakka, euphemistic)
  • 物化 (wùhuà) (literary)
  • 病故 (bìnggù) (to die of illness)
  • 病逝 (bìngshì) (to die of illness)
  • 老了 (lǎo le) (euphemistic, of the elderly)
  • (hōng) (Classical Chinese, of feudal lords or high officials)
  • 薨逝 (hōngshì) (of feudal lords)
  • (zǒu) (euphemistic)
  • 走去踮 (Min Nan, euphemistic)
  • 身亡 (shēnwáng) (formal, usually from unnatural causes)
  • 逝世 (shìshì)
  • 升天 (shēngtiān) (euphemistic)
  • 仙遊仙游 (xiānyóu) (euphemistic)
  • 傾世倾世 (qīngshì) (literary)
  • 傾亡倾亡 (qīngwáng) (literary)
  • 凋謝凋谢 (diāoxiè) (to die of old age)
  • 喪亡丧亡 (sàngwáng) (literary)
  • 喪命丧命 (sàngmìng) (euphemistic)
  • 喪生丧生 (sàngshēng) (euphemistic)
  • 嗚呼呜呼 (wūhū) (euphemistic)
  • 嚥氣咽气 (yànqì) (colloquial)
  • 圓寂圆寂 (yuánjì) (of Buddhist monks or nuns)
  • 壽終正寢寿终正寝 (shòuzhōngzhèngqǐn) (literary, euphemistic)
  • 小喇叭兒吹了小喇叭儿吹了 (xiǎo lǎbār chuī le) (Beijing)
  • 就義就义 (jiùyì) (to die a martyr)
  • (guà) (slang, humorous)
  • 斃命毙命 (bìmìng) (pejorative)
  • 晏駕晏驾 (yànjià) (of a king, emperor, monarch, etc.)
  • 棄世弃世 (qìshì) (literary)
  • 歸天归天 (guītiān) (euphemistic)
  • 歸西归西 (guīxī) (euphemistic)
  • 歸道山归道山 (guī dàoshān) (literary, euphemistic)
  • 死翹翹死翘翘 (sǐqiàoqiào) (informal, humorous)
  • 死脫死脱 (Wu)
  • (yǔn) (archaic)
  • 氣絕气绝 (qìjué) (literary)
  • 沒世没世 (mòshì) (literary)
  • 畢命毕命 (bìmìng) (formal, euphemistic)
  • 百年歸老百年归老 (bǎiniánguīlǎo) (euphemistic, of the elderly)
  • 盡命尽命 (jìnmìng) (literary, euphemistic)
  • (zhōng) (literary, or in compounds, euphemistic)
  • (jué) (literary, or in compounds)
  • 翹辮子翘辫子 (qiào biànzi) (informal, humorous)
  • 被難被难 (bèinàn) (to be killed in a disaster, political incident, etc.)
  • 見背见背 (jiànbèi) (literary, of one's parents or elders)
  • 見閻王见阎王 (jiàn Yánwáng) (figurative)
  • 賓天宾天 (bīntiān) (of a king, emperor, monarch, etc.)
  • 辭世辞世 (císhì) (literary)
  • 進棺材进棺材 (jìn guāncái)
  • 過世过世 (guòshì)
  • 過去过去 (guòqù) (euphemistic)
  • 過往过往 (Min Nan, euphemistic)
  • 過身过身 (guòshēn) (literary)
  • 過面过面 (Min Nan)
  • 長山賣鴨卵长山卖鸭卵 (Hakka, euphemistic)
  • 長眠长眠 (chángmián) (euphemistic, honorific)
  • 閉眼闭眼 (bìyǎn) (euphemistic)
  • 隕落陨落 (yǔnluò) (euphemistic)
  • 離世离世 (líshì) (euphemistic)
  • 駕崩驾崩 (jiàbēng) (of a king, emperor, monarch, etc.)
  • 駕鶴西去驾鹤西去 (jiàhèxīqù) (euphemistic)
  • 駕鶴西遊驾鹤西游 (jiàhèxīyóu) (euphemistic)
  • 龍馭上賓龙驭上宾 (lóngyùshàngbīn) (of an emperor)
  • 在世 (zàishì)
  • 在生 (zàishēng)
  • 活著/活着 (huózhe)
  • 生存 (shēngcún)
  • 生息 (shēngxī)




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