

单词 Thesaurus:unit of measure

Thesaurus:unit of measure


unit of measure


  • unit of measure
  • unit of measurement

SI base units

  • ampere
  • candela
  • kelvin
  • kilogram
  • metre
  • mole
  • second

SI derived units

  • becquerel
  • coulomb
  • degree    [⇒ thesaurus]
  • Celsius
  • farad
  • gray
  • henry
  • hertz
  • joule
  • katal
  • lumen
  • lux
  • newton
  • ohm
  • pascal
  • radian
  • siemens
  • sievert
  • steradian
  • tesla
  • volt
  • watt
  • weber

SI other accepted units

  • astronomical unit
  • dalton
  • day    [⇒ thesaurus]
  • decibel
  • degree of arc
  • electronvolt
  • hectare
  • hour
  • litre
  • minute
  • minute and second of arc
  • neper
  • tonne

SI prefixes

  • yotta-
  • zetta-
  • exa-
  • peta-
  • tera-
  • giga-
  • mega-
  • kilo-
  • hecto-
  • deca-
  • deci-
  • centi-
  • milli-
  • micro-
  • nano-
  • pico-
  • femto-
  • atto-
  • zepto-
  • yocto-

Other units, including imperial

  • pound
  • ounce
  • gallon
  • quart
  • pint
  • cup
  • fluid ounce
  • tablespoon
  • teaspoon
  • mile
  • nautical mile
  • furlong
  • yard
  • foot    [⇒ thesaurus]
  • inch
  • square inch
  • bushel
  • peck
  • acre
  • mph
  • psi
  • Fahrenheit

Units of currency

  • money    [⇒ thesaurus]

Related concepts

  • measurement    [⇒ thesaurus]

See also

  • Category:en:Units of measure
  • Appendix:SI units
  • Appendix:Roget MICRA thesaurus/Class II § 200. Length
  • Appendix:Roget MICRA thesaurus/Class III § 319. Gravity
  • Appendix:Roget MICRA thesaurus/Class III § 382. Heat

Further reading

  • "unit of measurement" in WordNet 3.0, Princeton University, 2006.
  • Template:SI units on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
  • Template:Imperial units on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
  • Template:United States Customary Units on Wikipedia.Wikipedia




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