可倾式平炉 open-hearth rolling furnace
可倾式: 可倾式平炉 open-hearth rolling furnace
劳动安全卫生法 law of labour safety and health;
劳动定员 fixed number of workers needed for a job;
劳动定额 production quota; work norm; output standard; workpiece quota;
劳动审查 labour audit;
劳动密集 {经} labour intensive;
劳动对象 object of labour;
劳动工具 instruments of labour;
劳动工分核算 accounting for work-point;
劳动工时测定 {工} rate fixing;
劳动工资制度 labour and wages system;
劳动工资计划 plans concerning manpower and pay scales;
劳动工资部门 authorities in charge of labour forces and wages; labour and wages administration;
劳动市场 labour market;
劳动市场分析 labour market analysis;
劳动年龄 labour-age; job age;
劳动异化 alienation of labour;
劳动强度 intensity involved in the labour; labour intensity; intensity of work; labour strength; intensity of labour;
劳动心理卫生 labouring mental hygiene;
劳动心理学 labour psychology;
劳动态度 productive conscientiousness;
劳动性质 quality of work;
劳动成本 labour cost;
劳动成果 fruit of labour;
劳动手套 mitt [mit];
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