

单词 telpochtli


Classical Nahuatl

Alternative forms

  • telpuchtli (obsolete spelling)


Karttunen notes that tēlpōchtli (young man) and coordinate ichpōchtli (maiden, young woman) both form the plural by reduplicating the pōch- element, which suggests that *pōchtli, though not attested freely, is a stem in its own right, and that *tēl- acts as a modifier.


  • IPA(key): [teːɬˈpoːt͡ʃ.t͡ɬi]


tēlpōchtli (animate, plural tēlpōpōchtin)

  1. A young man, male youth.
    • 1555: Alonso de Molina, Aqui comienca vn vocabulario en la lengua castellana y mexicana, f. 162v.
      Mancebo quando crece.   telpuchtli.
      A boy when he is older.   telpuchtli.
    • Idem, f. 172v.
      Moço de edad pequeña.   telpuchtli.telpocatl.
      A boy of a young age.   telpuchtli. telpocatl.
    • 1571: Idem, Vocabulario en lengua castellana y mexicana y mexicana y castellana, f. 81r. col. 2.
      A male youth. telpuchtli.
    • Idem, f. 96v. col. 1.
      Telpochtli. mancebo.
      Telpochtli. a male youth.
  2. (when possessed) son
    • 1571: Alonso de Molina, Vocabulario en lengua castellana y mexicana y mexicana y castellana, f. 71r. col. 2.
      Hijo, generalmente. tepiltzin. tetelpuch. Y las mu- / geres dizes,noconeuh.
      A son in general. tepiltzin. tetelpuch. And of women you say: noconeuh.

Derived terms

  • tēlpōchcalli
  • tēlpōchchōtl
  • tēlpōchconētl
  • tēlpōcheh
  • telpōchchihchīhua (verb)
  • tēlpōchnēci (verb)
  • tēlpōchnemi (verb)
  • tēlpōchpan
  • tēlpōchti (verb)
  • tēlpōchtōntli
  • tēlpōchtlamati (verb)
  • tēlpōchtzintli
  • tēlpōchyahqui
  • tēlpōchyōtl
  • tēlpōcatl


  • Frances Karttunen (1992) An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl, University of Oklahoma Press, page 221




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