

单词 taanduma




taandama + -uma


  • IPA(key): /ˈtɑːnd̥umɑ/
  • Rhymes: -ɑːndumɑ
  • Hyphenation: taan‧du‧ma


taanduma (da-infinitive taanduda)

  1. (intransitive) to retreat; to recede; to withdraw
    Synonym: taganema
    1. To move backwards.
      Rahvahulk taandus kahele poole ja vabastas tee.
      The crowd retreated to two sides and cleared the way.
    2. To abandon one's positions under enemy pressure.
      Poola väed olid sunnitud taanduma.
      Polish troops were forced to withdraw.
    3. (of water) To recede over time.
      Rannajoon taandus mandri poole.
      The coastline receded towards the mainland.
      Mets taandus kaugele ning tegi ruumi põldudele.
      The forest stayed far behind, making way for fields.
  2. (intransitive) to weaken, to diminish, to subside; to lose importance
    Palavik oli ajutiselt taandunud.
    The fever had temporarily subsided.
    Vihmasadu oli hommikuks taandunud.
    The rain had eased by morning.
    Suurte pulmade pidamise komme on taandumas.
    The custom of having big weddings is on the wane.
    Synonym: taganema
  3. (intransitive) to retire from, to stand aside, to resign, to step down
    Arvati, et minister peaks kohalt taanduma.
    It was thought that the minister should resign.
  4. (intransitive) to be simplified, to be reduced, to become something less valuable
    Looduses toimuvad muutused taanduvad Demokritose õpetuse järgi mitmesugustele aatomite kombinatsioonidele.
    According to Democritus, the changes in nature come down to various combinations of atoms.
    Rahvariiete juurde kuulus peaaegu mänguasjaks taandunud mõõk.
    Traditional costumes included a sword, which was reduced almost to a toy.
    Endine mõjukas partei on taandunud vaidlusklubiks.
    A once influential party had degenerated into a debating club.
  5. (intransitive, chemistry) to undergo reduction



  • taganema

Derived terms

  • taanduja
  • taandumatu
  • taandumine
  • taandumus


  • taanduma in Sõnaveeb
  • taanduma in Eesti keele seletav sõnaraamat




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