

单词 at one

at one

See also: atone


Prepositional phrase

at one

  1. (often with with) In harmony or unity.
    She felt perfectly at one with nature during her retreat to the lake.
  2. (often with with) In agreement, unanimous, of the same opinion.
    • 1890, James George Frazer, The Golden Bough, volume 2, page 326:
      The pastoral deity to whom they paid their devotions was Pales, as to whose sex the ancients themselves were not at one.
    • 2010, Christopher Hitchens, Hitch-22, Atlantic 2011, p. 245:
      Vidal's old antagonist Norman Mailer was largely at one with him on this, jauntily alleging that endless war was the only way to vindicate the drooping virility of the traditional white American male.
  3. (archaic) Into a state of harmony, friendship or reconciliation.
    • 1526, [William Tyndale, transl.], The Newe Testamẽt [] (Tyndale Bible), [Worms, Germany: Peter Schöffer], OCLC 762018299, Acts ]:
      And the next daye he shewed himsilfe unto them as they strove, and wolde have sett them at one agayne saynge: Syrs ye are brethren why hurte ye won another?
  • atone


See also

  • as one

Further reading

  • at one at OneLook Dictionary Search
  • at one with at OneLook Dictionary Search
  • be at one with somebody something” in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Longman.
  • at one”, in Lexico, Dictionary.com; Oxford University Press, 2019–2022.
  • at one”, in Collins English Dictionary.
  • at one with” (US) / at one with” (UK) in Macmillan English Dictionary.
  • at one with”, in Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary


  • Eaton, Onate, neato, oaten




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