

单词 sätta dit

sätta dit



sätta dit (present sätter dit, preterite satte dit, supine satt dit, imperative sätt dit)

  1. to make (someone) look bad (and suffer consequences for looking bad); to get (someone), to expose (someone)
    Journalisterna försökte sätta dit honom med svåra frågor
    The journalists tried to catch him out with difficult questions (tried to get him)
    Polisen lyckades sätta dit smugglarna
    The police managed to nail the smugglers
    Vem satte dit Roger Rabbit?
    Who framed Roger Rabbit?
  2. to put or attach (something) in or on another object (more than temporarily, for some purpose)
    Jag satte dit en extra fläkt
    I put in an extra fan
  3. (figuratively, sports) to place (a ball, puck, etc.) in a goal; to score
    Han satte dit 3-0 för laget
    He scored 3-0 for the team

Usage notes

Context dictates whether someone is being caught for a crime they committed or framed in (sense 1).



  • dit sätta dit in Svensk ordbok (SO)




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