

单词 a testa alta

a testa alta



Literally, at high head.

Prepositional phrase

a testa alta

  1. with one's head held high
    • 2020 July 31, “Caso Epstein, una testimone mette in difficoltà Clinton: "Era sull'isola con due ragazze" [Epstein case, a witness puts Clinton in difficulty: "He was on the island with two girls"]”, in la Repubblica:
      Tra i documenti di Ghislaine Maxwell desecretati dal tribunale degli Stati Uniti, c'erano anche delle e-mail scambiate tra la socialite e Jeffrey Epstein dell'inizio del 2015 in cui l'uomo la rassicura scrivendole "Non hai fatto nulla di sbagliato (...). Esci a testa alta, non come una criminale in fuga".
      Among Ghislaine Maxwell's documents, declassified by a United States court, there were also some e-mails exchanged between the socialite and Jeffrey Epstein in early 2015 in which the man assures her, writing "You didn't do anything wrong (...). Go out with your head held high, not like a criminal on the run".




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