

单词 劳动 1
释义 劳动劳动[恸][láo dòng]1. (人类创造物质或精神财富的活动) work; labour:不劳动者不得食。He who does not work, neither shall he eat.劳动创造世界。Labour creates the world.劳动形成价值。Labour creates value.2. (专指体力劳动) physical labour; manual labour
常用词组1.劳动安全卫生法 law of labour safety and health;2.劳动保护 labour protection; job safety;3.劳动保护措施资金 funds for labour protection;4.劳动保护设施 labour safety devices;5.劳动保险 labour insurance;6.劳动保险金 labour insurance funds;7.劳动保险条例 labour insurance regulation;8.劳动保险制度labour insurance system;9.劳动布denim;10.劳动产品[产物] products of labour;11.劳动成本 labour cost;12.劳动成果 fruit of labour;13.劳动持续时间 duration of work;14.劳动抽象 abstract labour;15.劳动大军 labour army;16.劳动定额 production quota; work norm; output standard; workpiece quota;17.劳动定员 fixed number of workers needed for a job;18.劳动对象 object of labour;19.劳动法 labour law;20.劳动分工 division of labour;21.劳动份额 labour quotas;22.劳动服 bawneen; denim;23.劳动服务费 labour service charge24.劳动服务公司 labour service company; service company;25.劳动负荷 work load;26.劳动妇女 working woman;27.劳动工分核算 accounting for work-point;28.劳动工具 instruments of labour;29.劳动工时测定 {工} rate fixing;30.劳动工资部门 authorities in charge of labour forces and wages; labour and wages administration;31.劳动工资计划 plans concerning manpower and pay scales;32.劳动工资制度 labour and wages system;33.劳动观念 attitude to labour;34.劳动管理 labour management;35.劳动过程 labour process;36.劳动合同 labour contract;37.劳动合同制 labour contract system;38.劳动积累 accumulation of labour; investment of labour;39.劳动技术密集性行业 labour and technology intensive industry;40.劳动纪律 labour discipline;41.劳动价值论 labour theory of value;42.劳动交换 exchange of labour;43.劳动介绍所 employment agencies;44.劳动经济学 labour economics;45.劳动竞赛 labour emulations; emulation campaign; emulation drive;46.劳动立法 labour legislation;47.劳动量 quantity of work; work output;48.劳动流动性 labour liquidity;49.劳动密集 {经} labour intensive;50.劳动模范 model worker;51.劳动能力 labour capacity; productive capacity;52.劳动年龄 labour-age; job age;53.劳动凭证 labour certificate;54.劳动潜力 labour potentialities;55.劳动强度 intensity involved in the labour; labour intensity; intensity of work; labour strength; intensity of labour;56.劳动权 right to work;57.劳动券 labour ticket;58.劳动热情 enthusiasm for labour;59.劳动人口 labouring population;60.劳动人民 labouring people; toiling masses;61.劳动人事制度 personnel system;62.劳动日 working day; workday; labour day;63.劳动审查 labour audit;64.劳动生产力 labour productive power;65.劳动生产率 labour productivity; productivity;66.劳动生产率计划 plan for labour productivity;67.劳动生产率增长速度 increment rate of labour productivity;68.劳动生产率指数 index number of labour productivity;69.劳动适龄人口 active labour force;70.劳动适应 adaptation of work;71.劳动市场 labour market;72.劳动市场分析 labour market analysis;73.劳动收入 labour income; income from work;74.劳动手段 means of labour; instruments of labour;75.劳动手套 mitt [mit];76.劳动熟练程度 skill of labour;77.劳动速率 rate of work;78.劳动态度 productive conscientiousness;79.劳动卫生 labour health;80.劳动效率 work [labour] efficiency;81.劳动心理卫生 labouring mental hygiene;82.劳动心理学 labour psychology;83.劳动性质 quality of work;84.劳动异化 alienation of labour;85.劳动英雄 labour hero;86.劳动优化组合 the optimum organization of labours;87.劳动争议 labour disputes;88.劳动政策 labour policy;89.劳动证件 labour certificates; labour note;90.劳动指数 labour productivity index;91.劳动制度 labour system;92.劳动制度改革 reform of the labour system;93.劳动仲裁制度 labour arbitration system;94.劳动专业化 labour specialization;95.劳动资料 instruments of labour; means of labour;96.劳动组织 organization of labour
另见 láo dong。




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