

单词 stå af i Roskilde

stå af i Roskilde



Literally "to get off at Roskilde [station]". For passengers coming from Funen, Roskilde is the penultimate stop, the last being Copenhagen Central Station.


stå af i Roskilde

  1. (slang) practice coitus interruptus
    • 2017, Claus Ahlefeldt, Du finder sgu nok ud af det, Claus!, Gyldendal A/S (→ISBN)
      ... hvor Paven i Rom kun anerkendte at stå af i Roskilde som middel til børnebegrænsning ...
      ... where the pope in Rome only recognized coitus interruptus as a means of child-limiting ...
    • 2010, Hanne-Vibeke Holst, Kongemordet, Gyldendal A/S (→ISBN)
      ... og han kom alt for hurtigt, selvom han mente, at han nåede at stå af i Roskilde.
      ... and he came much too fast, although he believed that he managed to pull out.
    • 2009, Jane Aamund, Smeltediglen, Art People (→ISBN)
      Ja, medmindre manden altså passer på og står af i Roskilde
      Well, unless, that is, the man is careful and pulls out.




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