

单词 Striketober



This English term is a hot word. Its inclusion on Wiktionary is provisional.


Blend of strike + October.

Proper noun

Striketober (uncountable)

  1. A series of strikes in October 2021 in the United States.
    • 2021 October 21, quoting Jesus Chuy Garcia, “Rep. Garcia Honors Workers Around the Nation During ‘Striketober’”, in Targeted News Service:
      As we speak, thousands of workers are on strike. From nurses and healthcare workers to people who make cereal, tractors, and whiskey. And tens of thousands more have taken strike votes and are ready to join them if they can't reach agreements with their employers. It's a strike wave – we are calling it “Striketober.”
    • 2022 January 21, Nathan Wall, “Striketober didn't end, keep supporting striking workers”, in The Lawrentian, Lawrence University:
      October 2021 was known as “Striketober” due to all the militant labor activity taking place around the country. As the month came to an end, Striketober turned into Strikevember, Strikesgiving and other strike-themed portmanteaus. The point is, the labor movement is not a fluke, and this resurgence continued even as 2021 came to a close.




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