创作源泉 fountain-head of literary and artistic; source of creative writing
创作: 创作源泉 fountain-head of literary and artistic; source of creative writing
状态描述模式 state description schema;
状态方程 equation of state; {控} state equations;
状态曲线 condition curve;
状态灯 status lamp;
状态电路 status circuit;
状态矢量 state vector;
状态矩阵法 method of transition matrices;
状态码 {自} conditional code; status code;
状态空间 state space;
状态空间描述 state space description;
状态空间方法 state-space method;
状态等价 state equivalent;
状态简化 state reduction;
状态线 condition line;
状态缓冲器 status buffer;
状态表 state table;
状态观测器 state observer;
状态触发器 state flip-flop;
状态语言 state language;
状态读出 status read;
状态跃迁 transition between states;
状态转换表 state transition table;
状态转移矩阵 state-transition matrix;
状态迁移 state transition;
状态选择器 mode selector;
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