刚架梁 rigid-frame beam
刚架: 刚架梁 rigid-frame beam
(私自动用) misappropriate; embezzle:
(秋季气候) autumn weather
(种子发芽出土) break through the soil
(租用物品的人) hirer
(秦以前的字体) Chinese script before the Qin Dynasty (221-207 B.C.)
(积累下的亏欠) outstanding debts; arrears:
(积累的)最低线 minimum rate of accumulation;
(积累的)最高线 ceiling for accumulation; maximum rate of accumulation;
(称别人的母亲或称自己的母亲或婆婆) your (my, his, etc.) mother; my mother-in-law
(称别人的父亲或称自己的父亲或公公) your (my, his, etc.) father; my father-in-law
(称同学中年长才高者) way of address for one's older classmates
(称呼与父亲辈分相同而年轻的男人) uncle:
(称呼年纪比自己小的男子)a familiar form of address for a man younger than oneself:
(称对方的家) your home; your family
(称对方的老家) your native place
(称年老的妇女) old lady
(称年老的男子) elderly gentleman
(称心合意) be to one's liking; suit one:
(称心如意 ) fortunate; lucky; felicity:
(称心如意) happy; felicity:
(称心满意) be reconciled to; resign oneself to; be content with:
(称成年男子) a form of address for a young man
(称老年妇女) (a respectful form of address for an old woman) grandma; granny
(称霸的人或集团) hegemon; overlord:
(称青年女子) young woman
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