

单词 stink pretty

stink pretty



stink pretty (uncountable)

  1. (US, slang) Perfume.
    • 1986, Kristen R. Yount, Women and Men Coal Miners: Coping with Gender Integration Underground
      Wear all that stink pretty and stuff, you know.
    • 2000, Tabor Evans, Longarm 257: Longarm and the Nevada Bellydancer
      Longarm decided the base of her French perfume had to be jasmine. She wore her brown hair severely bunned for a gal with such expensive tastes in stink-pretty.
    • 2004, "Polack", Re: TOAST: To the shining city on the hill (on newsgroup alt.callahans)
      Well ... I've been too close to people who could run a skunk off a gut wagon with their stink-pretty, but I don't know if I'd go quite THAT far.




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