box product
product: box product
(运动员进运动场) enter the playing ground; enter the arena:
(运动员) good athlete; skilled athlete:
(运气不好) have bad luck; be out of luck; be down on one's luck; hard cheese; rough luck:
(还击) hit back; return a blow
(还是) had better; would rather; it would be better to:
(这东西) this:
(这种人所从事的行业) trade of such people
(这种植物的根) beetroot
(这种碑上的文字)inscriptions on a tombstone [gravestone]
(这里) here
(进口的煤油或汽油) imported oil:
(远大的谋略) great talent; bold strategy [vision]:
(远见之人) farsighted person
(违反个人戒规) break one's vow of abstinence
(违禁物) sinister stuff; trash
(连宿两夜) stay over for two consecutive nights
(连着; 紧跟着) follow; carry on; go on (with); proceed:
(连累)implicate; involve (in trouble):
(连续不间断) incessantly:
(连绵不断) peak upon peak
(连贯; 贯穿) be connected in meaning or feeling
(迟延) delay:
(迫使一点一点讲出来) be forced to tell the truth bit by bit; confess quite reluctantly
(迷信传说中阎王手下管生死簿的官) (in superstitious legend) the official in charge of the life-and-death register under the King of Hell
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