

单词 status offender

status offender



status offender (plural status offenders)

  1. One who commits a status offense; especially a juvenile delinquent taken into state care for uncontrollable behavior at home.
    • 1978, United States. General Accounting Office, Removing Status Offenders from Secure Facilities (page 77)
      The Department concluded that if the State fully complied with the Federal requirement for deinstitutionalization of status offenders it would need substantially more group homes and child caring facilities.
    • 1999, Preston Elrod, ‎R. Scott Ryder, Juvenile Justice: A Social, Historical, and Legal Perspective (page 340)
      In reality, many children who become status offenders come from neglectful or dysfunctional homes in which the parents or responsible adult has not cultivated the appropriate adult-child relationship and fundamental respect has broken down.




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