

单词 starter for ten

starter for ten



From the British TV quiz programme University Challenge, where the phrase refers to the first question given to a contestant, worth ten points.


starter for ten (plural starters for ten)

  1. Something, especially a question or problem, to be tackled first.
    • 2015, Nick Graham, Project Management for Dummies
      The activity network diagram isn't at all difficult to understand, so, as your starter for ten points, what do you think the diagram in Figure 62 means?
    • 2022, Debbie Young, Best Murder in Show
      'Oh, and take this on the house as your starter for ten.' He thrust the copy of Travels with my Aunt into my hand, and wrapped around it a dog-eared copy of The Bookseller magazine. 'Because you'll never get time to read while you're working here.'




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