

单词 spirit man

spirit man


Alternative forms

  • spirit-man, spiritman


From spirit + man.


spirit man (countable and uncountable, plural spirit men)

  1. Used other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: See spirit, man.
  2. Individuals (usually male) who are spiritual in form.
    • 2018, Darius Bost, Evidence of Being:
      In a personal reflection on the epidemic, Allen Wright observes, “News of another death now comes with such frequency that my mourning is constant. I imagine the spirits of the departed waiting in line until they can be properly grieved.” Wright's statement implies that New York is populated by “spiritmen” because they have yet to be properly grieved.
  3. A man devoted to spiritual affairs, such as a shaman, witch doctor, faith healer, etc.
    • 2013, Graham Reed, The Blue Butterfly, page 30:
      Her mother prayed that someone would find her and rescue her, though this was very unlikely to happen. Anyone acting against the instructions of the spiritman was likely to come to an untimely end.
  4. (Christianity) In some Christian belief systems, one's innermost spiritual entity (i.e. the "heart"), as contrasted with the more outer soulish and physical aspects of one's being.
    • 1887, Light, volume 7, page 80:
      Thanks to the long, slow, patient years of constant small strengthenings of the spirit, in triumphs achieved over fleshly greeds and brutal instincts, the flesh now yields obedience, doubtful, irregular, and strange, almost questioning obedience at first, but none the less change has come, and the beginning of the spiritman's control over the carnal man is established.
    • 2009, Cheryl E. Chavis, The Spirit Man In Her, page 19:
      It must be on the inside in order to stop sin and starvation of the spirit man inside of you.
    • 2012, Johnny Young Jr., The Truth About You:
      Notice that verse 18 says everything that is in the new nature (the spirit-man) is of God.

See also

  • inner man




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