

单词 充满
释义 充满充满[chōng mǎn]1. (填满; 布满) be filled [suffused; brimming] with; be full of:大厅里充满了孩子们的欢笑声。The hall resounded with the laughter of children.空气中充满了花香。The air was full of the fragrance of flowers.她两眼充满了泪水。Her eyes were brimming with tears.
常用词组1. (充分具有) be imbued [permeated] with; fill to the brim; be full of:前途看来充满希望。The future seems to be full of hope.她充满了幸福。She was filled to the brim with happiness.宴会充满友好气氛。The banquet was permeated with an atmosphere of friendship.这首诗充满了爱国主义。This poem is imbued with patriotism.




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