

单词 S@InsideChesthigh-PalmUp-S@InsideChesthigh-PalmUp 5@InsideChesthigh-PalmUp-5@InsideChesthigh-PalmUp

S@InsideChesthigh-PalmUp-S@InsideChesthigh-PalmUp 5@InsideChesthigh-PalmUp-5@InsideChesthigh-PalmUp

American Sign Language

Alternative forms

  • The initial handshape may be “O”.
  • The hands may move forward instead of or in addition to upward.
  • The final handshape may be “claw 5”.


  • This two-handed ASL sign is produced as follows:
    1. Posture the nondominant hand in the “S” handshape about half arm's length in front of the nondominant side of the chest, nondominant palm facing up. Posture the dominant hand in the “S” handshape about half arm's length in front of the dominant side of the chest, dominant palm facing up.
    2. Release the fingers and extend the thumb while moving the hand slightly up and/or forward.
    3. Posture the nondominant hand in the “5” handshape about half arm's length in front of the nondominant side of the chest, nondominant palm facing up. Posture the dominant hand in the “5” handshape about half arm's length in front of the dominant side of the chest, dominant palm facing up.
  • (how many?): When used interrogatively, it is produced with furrowed eyebrows, squinted eyes, head tilted, and a very small headshake (i.e. pivoting slightly from side to side, not nearly so much as that of a “no” gesture).
GUH HandLUH HandLUH MoveGUH MoveGUH HandLUH Hand
GUH PalmLUH PalmSecondSecondGUH PalmLUH Palm
GUH PositionLUH SeparationThirdThird



  1. many
  2. (interrogative) how many?




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