

释义 [qīng]1. (歪; 斜) incline; lean; bend:身子向前倾bend [lean] forward;向左倾incline to the left;那座破棚屋的墙向外倾。The walls of the dilapidated shed lean outward.2. (倒塌) collapse:大厦将倾a great mansion on the point of collapse3. (尽数倒出) overturn and pour out; empty:每当我手头拮据的时候, 他总是倾囊相助。Whenever I'm hard up for money, he will empty his purse to help me.4. (用尽力量) do all one can; use up all one's resources:倾全力把工作做好exert oneself to the utmost to do the work well5. (钦佩; 倾慕) admire6. (胜过; 超越) surpass1.(倾向) deviation; tendency:右倾机会主义Right opportunism;“左”倾盲动主义“Left” putschism




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