

单词 septiņi




From a previous undeclinable *septin (by analogy assimilated to the class of nouns in -iņš, plural -iņi), from Proto-Baltic *septim, from Proto-Indo-European *septḿ̥ (seven). Cognates include Lithuanian septynì, Old Prussian sep(t)mas (seventh), Proto-Slavic *sedmъ (seventh), replacing an older Proto-Slavic *setь (Old Church Slavonic седмь (sedmĭ), Russian семь (semʹ), Belarusian сем (sjem), Ukrainian сім (sim), Bulgarian се́дем (sédem), Czech sedm, Polish siedem), Gothic 𐍃𐌹𐌱𐌿𐌽 (sibun), Old High German sibun, Old English seofon, German sieben, English seven, Hittite šipta, Sanskrit सप्तन् (saptán), Ancient Greek ἑπτά (heptá), Latin septem.[1]


Latvian cardinal numbers
 <  678  > 
    Cardinal : septiņi
    Ordinal : septītais
    Multiplier : septiņreiz
    Nominal : septiņnieks
    Fractional : septītdaļa
Latvian Wikipedia article on septiņi
  • IPA(key): [sɛptiɲi]



  1. seven (the cipher, the cardinal number seven)
    trīs un četri ir septiņithree plus four is seven
    divreiz septiņi ir četrpadsmittwo times seven is fourteen
    reizināt ar septiņito multiply by seven
    septiņi ir laimes skaitlisseven is a happy (= lucky, fortunate) number
    pie četriem pielikt septiņusto add seven to four
  2. seven (an amount equal to seven)
    septiņi metri audumaseven meters of fabric
    pagaidīt septiņas minūtesto wait for seven minutes
    septiņi gadi, septiņus gadus vecs bērnsa seven year old child
    septiņu stundu darbadienaa seven-hour working day
  3. seven o'clock (a moment in time; seven hours after midnight, or after noon)
    pulkstenis ir septiņiit is seven o'clock
    septiņos no rītaat seven o'clock in the morning
    koncerts sākas septiņos vakarāthe concert begins at seven o'clock at night


Coordinate terms

See also

  • skaitlis


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), septiņi”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN




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