

单词 senza fondo

senza fondo



Literally, "without bottom."


senza fondo (invariable)

  1. (idiomatic) bottomless, insatiable
    Synonym: insaziabile
    • 2007, David Foster Wallace, “La persona depressa [The Depressed Person]”, in Ottavio Fatica; Giovanna Granato, transl., Brevi interviste con uomini schifosi [Brief Interviews with Hideous Men], Einaudi:
      .... una forma di abbandono o addirittura di abuso, un abuso chiaramente connesso... alla disperazione cronica senza fondo che da adulta viveva ogni giorno ed in cui si sentiva intrappolata senza speranza.
      .... a form of neglect or abandonment or even outright abuse, an abuse clearly connected... to the bottomless, chronic adult despair she suffered every day and felt hopelessly trapped in.
      (literally, “... a form of abandonment or outright abuse, an abuse clearly connected... to the chronic, bottomless desperation that as an adult she lived through every day and in which she felt trapped without hope.”)




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