

单词 Second Lifer

Second Lifer



From Second Life + -er.


Second Lifer (plural Second Lifers)

  1. A user of the online virtual world Second Life.
    • 2005 September, Chloe Veltman, “Real Estate 101”, in Dwell, page 172:
      “It’s not about this being a medium to just create,” Second Lifer Jauani Wu is quoted in the blog New World Notes. “It’s that we can share it, too.”
    • 2006, Yochai Benkler, “There Is No Spoon”, in Jack M. Balkin and Beth Simone Noveck, editors, The State of Play: Law, Games, and Virtual Worlds, New York, N.Y.; London: New York University Press, →ISBN, part III (Property and Creativity in Virtual Worlds), page 184:
      Do users pay $x per month in the expectation that they will create something that they can later license to others for a fee, or do they pay that sum in order to get access to a platform of creative tools and connections with creative others, so that they can collaborate on cocreating story lines and pretty pictures of their own? If the latter is descriptively true of the motivational profile of Second Lifers, then introducing © into the game, no matter how modulated by (cc) (Creative Commons) permissions, mostly introduces drag.
    • 2019, John Wills, “Second Life, Second America”, in Gamer Nation: Video Games and American Culture, Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, →ISBN, page 211:
      Second Lifers also embraced the political freedoms and citizen opportunities afforded by the new world.




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