

单词 saxlamaq



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From Old Anatolian Turkish [script needed] (sakla-, to guard, protect), ultimately from Proto-Turkic *sạk (aware, alert). Cognate with Turkish saklamak.


  • IPA(key): [sɑχlɑˈmɑχ]
  • Hyphenation: sax‧la‧maq.
  • (file)



  1. (transitive) to hold
    • 1853, Mirzə Fətəli Axundov, Hacı Qara; republished as Mirzə Fətəli Axundov Seçilmiş Əsərləri. Üç Cilddə. I Cild., Baku, 2005, page 139:
      Bəs yaraqlı-esbablı bu gecə vaxtı burda ne qayırırsan? Düz adam burda gəzməz. Ay uşaqlar, bunu bərk saxlayın, görüm bu adamlar kimdir.
      What are you doing here, armed, at this time at night? Honest men don't walk around here. Hey, boys, hold him fast, let me see who these people are.
    Synonym: tutmaq
  2. (transitive) to keep, keep in place, retain
  3. (transitive) to detain (to put under custody)
    (please add the primary text of this usage example)(please add an English translation of this usage example)
  4. (transitive) to keep, preserve (often with the converb qoruyub)
    Allah saxlasın!May God preserve [him/her/them]! [usage 1]
    Uzun illər sevgini qoruyub saxlamaq.To preserve the love for many years.
  5. (transitive) to keep, store
    • 1899, Süleyman Sani Axundov, Tamahkar; republished as Süleyman Sani Axundov Seçilmiş Əsərləri., Baku, 2005, page 17:
      Yox, evdə bu qədər pulu saxlamaq olmaz. Heç olmasa mücrünü bir başqa yerdə gizlədim.
      No, one should't store that much money at home.I should at least hide the casket somewhere else.
  6. to have (animals)
    it saxlamaqto have a dog
  7. (transitive) to take sides (only when used with tərəf)
    • 1853, Mirzə Fətəli Axundov, Hacı Qara; republished as Mirzə Fətəli Axundov Seçilmiş Əsərləri. Üç Cilddə. I Cild., Baku, 2005, page 139:
      Biz onların tərəfin saxlamasaq, kim saxlayacaq? Genə gərək bir zad özlərinə qoyaq qalsın; yoxsa bəd dua yiyəsi olluq.
      If we won't take sides with them, who will? We have to let them have something to themselves, otherwise they will curse us.
  8. (transitive, intransitive) to stop, halt, pull over
    • 2017, Arif Ərşad, “Xeyir - dua”, in Faktor.az:
      Nə isə, qabaqda saxla, burdan o tərəfə özüm gedərəm, – deyib, əlini cibinə saldı, bir beşlik çıxardıb oturacağın üstünə qoyaraq maşından endi.
      "Anyway, stop over there, I'll walk from there.", he said, put his hand into the pocket, took out a five-manat bill, put it on the seat and got off the car.
  9. (transitive) to provide for
    ailəni saxlamaqprovide for one's family
    özünü saxlamaqprovide for oneself
  10. (transitive, intransitive, computing) to save (to write a file to disk or other storage medium)

Usage notes

  1. Often said to parents or grandparents of children who are present, being introduced or mentioned at the moment of conversation. It is considered polite and friendly to use this phrase, for example when a photograph of the child in question is shown.







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