

单词 Sarai


See also: sarai


Etymology 1

From Persian سرای (sarây, courtyard; dwelling; palace).

Alternative forms

  • Saraj
  • Saray

Proper noun


  1. (historical) Either of two cities which served as the capital of the Golden Horde.

Etymology 2

From Hebrew שרי (Saráy), from the plural form of שר (master, chief).

Proper noun


  1. A female given name from Hebrew, most famously borne by Sarah, the wife of Abram and mother of Isaac in the Bible, prior to her name change.
    • 1611, The Holy Bible, [] (King James Version), London: [] Robert Barker, [], OCLC 964384981, Genesis 12:5:
      And Abram tooke Sarai his wife, and Lot his brothers sonne, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the soules that they had gotten in Haran, and they went foorth to goe into the land of Canaan: and into the land of Canaan they came.


  • ARIAs, Arias, Raias, Raisa, arias


Proper noun


  1. (biblical) Sarai
    • Ŋɔŋlɔ Kɔkɔe La le Eʋegbe me, Mose I 12:5
      Eye Abram kplɔ srɔ̃a Sarai kple tɔgɑ̃yɔvia Lot, eye wotsɔ woƒe kesinɔnuwo katɑ̃ kple amesiwo katɑ̃ wokpɔ le Xaran la, eye woʋu, be woayi Kanaan-nyigba dzi, eye wova Kanaan-nyigba la dzi.


Proper noun

Sarai f

  1. (biblical) Sarai
    • 1602La Santa Biblia (antigua versión de Casiodoro de Reina), rev., Génesis 12:5
      Y tomó Abram á Sarai su mujer, y á Lot hijo de su hermano, y toda su hacienda que habían ganado, y las almas que habían adquirido en Harán, y salieron parair á tierra de Canaán; y á tierra de Canaán llegaron.




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