

单词 santa libro

santa libro



  • IPA(key): /ˈsan.ta ˈli.bro/

Proper noun

santa libro

  1. Holy Book
  2. (idiomatic, somewhat derogatory, dated) Fundamento de Esperanto or any early work in Esperanto
    • 1911-1912, Progreso, Progreso - Triesma Yaro, Librairie Ch. Delagrave, page 360:
      Publike li predikas la kulto di la Fundamento, ma sekrete li preparas ula reformeti, qui violacas la santa libro.
      Publicly they preach the cult of the Fundamento, byt in secrete they prepare some small reforms, which violates the Fundamento.
    • 1925, Louis de Beaufront, Kompleta Gramatiko detaloza di la linguo internaciona Ido, Meier-Heucke, Esch, page 146:
      1e pro ke, ye -ec-, la santa libro dicas « ec » indikas (abstrakte); do, sen « ec », l'abstrakteso ne indikesas;
      Firstly, because about -ec-, the Fundamento says « ec » indicate (in abstract); therefore, without « ec », the abstractness is not indicated;
    • 1911, Svenska kemistsamfundet, Svensk kemisk tidskrift - Volume 23, page 93:
      Sa primitiva charto, redaktita da la 27 yari evanta Zamenhof, esas santa libro, tabuo, quan tuchar reformeme esas sakrilejo.
      Its primitive charter, written by the 27-year-old Zamenhof, is the Unua Libro, taboo, which reforming is a sacrilege.
  • santa linguo (Esperanto)




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