单词 | 为 1 |
释义 | 为为(為、爲)[wéi] 动1.■ (做; 作为) do; act:为善do good;敢作敢为act with daring; bold in action;事在人为。Human effort is the decisive factor.2.■ (充当) serve as; act as; play the part of:指鹿为马call a stag a horse;以此为凭。This will serve as a proof.3.■ (变成; 成) become; turn into:人满为患so crowded as to become a source of trouble;化干戈为玉帛turn hostility into friendship;化整为零break up the whole into parts;一分为二。One divides into two.4.■ (是) be; mean:1公里为2华里。One kilometre is equivalent to two li.100厘米为一米。One hundred centimetres make one metre.5.■ (附于某些单音形容词后,表示程度、范围):广为流传spread far and wide;深为感动be deeply touched [moved]6.■ (附于某些表示程度的单音副词后,加强语气):极为重要most important;尤为出色particularly splendid 介1.■(跟“所”字合用,表示被动) by:为人所害be murdered;为贼所盗be stolen by a thief;不为表面现象所迷惑not be confused by superficial phenomena 助1.■[书] (常跟“何”相应,表示疑问):何以妻为?What need have I of a wife? 名1.■(姓氏) a surname:为昆Wei Kun另见 wèi。 |
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