中心批发市场 central wholesale market;
中心: 中心批发市场 central wholesale market;
(称心如意) happy; felicity:
(称心满意) be reconciled to; resign oneself to; be content with:
(称成年男子) a form of address for a young man
(称老年妇女) (a respectful form of address for an old woman) grandma; granny
(称霸的人或集团) hegemon; overlord:
(称青年女子) young woman
(稀疏) scattered; sporadic:
(稀稀落落) (of trees, leaves, etc.) sparse but graceful; thinly scattered
(程度上相差有限) about the same; similar:
(程度不深) not very; not too; not quite:
(程度极高) strong (in taste, strength, etc.):
(程度深) deep:
(程度的深浅; 事情的主次) degree of seriousness;relative importance:
(程度达到极点) confoundedly; extremely; awfully; terribly:
(程度) extent; degree:
(稍微弯腰表示礼貌) bow:
(稳妥可靠) dependable; reliable:
(稳定安静) (of social order) stable
(穴位) Burong (S 19)
(穴位) Laozhen (Extra 26)
(究竟) after all; in the end
(究竟) ever; indeed:
(空中进犯之敌) an intruding enemy airman; air marauder
(空军) transfer; deployment
(空泛) superficial; unpractical; too abstract:
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