

单词 Rübe


See also: rube and Rube



From Middle High German rüebe, ruobe, from Old High German ruoba, from Proto-West Germanic *rōbijā. Cognate with Middle Dutch roeve, Middle Low German rö̂ve (modern Rööv). Forms with back vowel in Upper German dialects are due to umlaut hindrance before labials, but Icelandic rófa, Danish roe, Swedish rove require a byform Proto-Germanic *rōbǭ. Ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *(s)rā́ps, whence also Latin rāpa, rāpum, Proto-Slavic *rěpa, etc., all meaning “beet, turnip”. An ablaut variant Proto-Germanic *rēbǭ underlies in Old High German rāba (if it is not from Latin).


  • IPA(key): /ˈʁyːbə/
  • (file)


Rübe f (genitive Rübe, plural Rüben, diminutive Rübchen n)

  1. a cover term for a variety of root vegetables including:
    1. beet
      Synonym: Rote Bete
    2. turnip
      Synonym: Speiserübe
    3. rutabaga
      Synonyms: Kohlrübe, Steckrübe
    4. carrot
      Synonyms: gelbe Rübe, Karotte, Möhre, Mohrrübe
    5. radish
      Synonym: Radieschen
    6. parsnip
      Synonym: Pastinake
    7. root parsley
      Synonym: Wurzelpetersilie
    8. celeriac
      Synonym: Knollensellerie
  2. (specifically) Beta (genus within the family Amaranthaceae)
  3. (even more specifically) Beta vulgaris
  4. (colloquial) head, bonce, noggin


Derived terms

  • Bastrübe
  • bayerische Rübe
  • Beta-Rübe
  • Futterrübe
  • gelbe Rübe
  • Herbstrübe
  • Holzrübe
  • Kohlrübe
  • Kraut und Rüben
  • Mairübe
  • Mohrrübe
  • Rote Rübe
  • Rübenacker
  • rübenartig
  • Rübenernte
  • Rübenfeld
  • Rübenferien
  • Rübenkampagne
  • Rübenkraut
  • Rübenroder
  • Rübensaft
  • Rübensirup
  • Rübensuppe
  • Rübenwinter
  • Rübenzucker
  • Rübezahl
  • Rübli
  • Rübsamen
  • Rübsen
  • Rübstiel
  • Runkelrübe
  • Speiserübe
  • Steckrübe
  • Stoppelrübe
  • Wasserrübe
  • weiße Rübe
  • Zaunrübe
  • Zuckerrübe

Further reading

  • Rübe” in Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
  • Rübe” in Duden online




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