两性生殖种群 amphimictic population;
两性: 两性生殖种群 amphimictic population;
(书面)印花滚轮 fillet;
(乱弹的声音) strum
(乱说; 乱讲) speak carelessly; gossip:
(乳头) nipple; teat
(了不得, 多用于否定式) alarming; serious:
(了不起) remarkable; wonderful; extraordinary; outstanding:
(了解课堂教学) visit a class; visit a classroom:
(争吃) try to get sth. to eat
(争论) argue; dispute:
(事业衰败) (of business) depressed:
(事先提醒) give a previous notice; warn; remind; notify in advance; inform:
(事先约定共同隐瞒、互不揭发的行为) an agreement between partners in crime not to give each other away; a pact to shield each other:
(事先通知、关照) notify; let sb. know:
(事先) in advance; beforehand:
(事情上的毛病) drawback; disadvantage:
(事情初步成功) make a good start; win initial success:
(事情的发展和结果) what follows; outcome; later development; sequel:
(事情错综复杂) intricate; complex; complicated
(事情难办) hard to handle; troublesome; nasty:
(事情麻烦) difficult to tackle:
(事故多) eventful
(事物发展的状况) situation; circumstances:
(事物所呈现的景象、状态) appearance; look; aspect:
(事物的特性) behaviour; characteristic:
(事物转化的关键) turning point; juncture
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