两性关系 sexual relations;
两性: 两性关系 sexual relations;
(阶段) phase; stage; conclusion of a part:
(阻抑, 损伤) dampen; deflate; blunt; discourage:
(附属国、殖民地最高当局所在地) the capital of a dependency or colony
(附带的文娱活动) entertainment after a meeting or a dinner party
(附着在器物上的干了的粥、糨糊等) crust:
(附近一带) neighbourhood; vicinity:
(附近的地方) vicinity; proximity; close to; in the vicinity of:
(附近街巷) neighbourhood
(陈酒) old wine; mellow wine
(限制自己) confine oneself; isolate oneself:
(限制) barriers; restriction:
(陡弯) zig zag:
(除去耻辱、污点等) wash off; clear oneself of:
(陪衬物) foil; setoff
(陪衬; 衬托) foreshadowing:
(陶坯) unfired pottery
(陷害) stab in the back
(随便; 轻易) aimlessly; thoughtlessly:
(随意涂抹; 潦草写字) scrawl
(随手记事的折子) memo presented to a superior
(随手) conveniently; without extra trouble:
(随时; 不是预定的时间) at any time; occasionally
(随波逐流过日子) drift along or through
(随身携带) take sth. along with one:
(随身; 身上) (have sth.) on one; with one:
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