

单词 roomer




room + -er


  • Homophones: rumor


roomer (plural roomers)

  1. A person who rents a room.
  2. (in combination) A residence having the specified number of rooms.
    • 2009, Peter H. L. Lim, Chronicle of Singapore, 1959-2009: Fifty Years of Headline News (page 59)
      Rents were to be $60 a month for a two-room flat, $90 for a three-roomer and $120 for a four-roomer.


roomer (not comparable)

  1. (obsolete) At a greater distance; farther off.
    • 1581, Richard Madox, A Learned and a Godly Sermon, to be read of all men, but especially for all marryners, captaynes and passengers, which trauell the seas, London,
      The Captaine in a Shippe of warre, is a iollie fellowe, and thinketh himselfe a lyttle God, because hee speaketh prowdlie to the Souldiors, and maketh them quayle at the shaking of his lockes: [] If any be vnrulie, hee casteth him ouerboorde, or if any be fearefull, hee bindes him to the Maste: if hée crie aloofe, the Helmes man dares not goe roomer: and if hée bidde shoote, the gunner dares not but giue fyre.
    • 1607, John Harington (translator), Orlando Furioso by Ludovico Ariosto, London: John Norton and Simon Waterson, Book 41, stanza 17, p. 343,
      Yet did the master by all meanes assay,
      To steare out roomer, or to keepe aloofe,
      Or at the least to strike sailes if they may,
      As in such danger was for their behoofe.

Part or all of this entry has been imported from the 1913 edition of Webster’s Dictionary, which is now free of copyright and hence in the public domain. The imported definitions may be significantly out of date, and any more recent senses may be completely missing.
(See the entry for roomer in
Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913)


  • Moorer, Romero, moorer, remoor, romero




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