

单词 riprendere




From Latin reprehendere.


  • IPA(key): /riˈprɛn.de.re/
  • Rhymes: -ɛndere
  • Hyphenation: ri‧prèn‧de‧re


riprèndere (first-person singular present riprèndo, first-person singular past historic riprési, past participle ripréso, auxiliary avére or (in the intransitive meaning "to revive") èssere)

  1. (transitive) to take or grab again
    Synonyms: ripigliare, riafferrare, riacchiappare, prendere di nuovo
    1. to take (a means of transport) again
    2. to take (a road, street, etc.) again
    3. to catch again
      i poliziotti hanno ripreso l'evaso
      the policemen caught the escaped prisoner again
  2. (transitive) to catch up to
  3. (transitive) to take back
    Synonyms: prendere indietro, riavere
    1. to regain (confidence, courage, etc.)
    2. to tack back into one's control; to reconquer
      Synonyms: riconquistare, rioccupare, riacquistare, riguadagnare, riacquisire
  4. (transitive, intransitive) to resume, go back to, go on, continue [auxiliary avere]
    Synonyms: ricominciare, continuare, rifare, riattaccare, soggiungere
  5. (transitive) to take, shoot, film, portray, set (of a picture, movie, etc.)
    Synonyms: ritrarre, inquadrare, filmare, fotografare
  6. (transitive) to scold, reprimand, berate
    Synonyms: ammonire, correggere, criticare, biasimare, sgridare, rimproverare
  7. (transitive) to take hold of, seize, or strike (someone) again (of a sensation, feeling, etc.)
    Synonyms: tornare a colpire, assalire di nuovo, sorprendere
  8. (transitive) to emulate
  9. (transitive) to touch up or tighten (a seam, garment, etc.)
    Synonyms: ridurre, rimpicciolire, restringere, stringere
    riprendere una manica
    to touch up a sleeve
  10. (transitive) to repeat (a motif, design element, etc.)
    Synonym: richiamare
    il disegno sulla maglietta riprende quello dei pantaloni
    the design on the shirt repeats that of the pants
  11. (intransitive) to revive [auxiliary essere] (of a plant)


  • riprendersi
  • riprendimento
  • riprenditore
  • ripresa
  • riprensivo
  • riprensore
  • prendere




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