

单词 一般
释义 一般一般[yī bān]1. (一样) same as; just like:他们俩一般高。The two of them are the same height.两个问题一般重要。These two problems are of the same importance.2. (一种) sort; kind:别有一般滋味have a distinctive taste3. (普通; 通常) general; ordinary; common:一般常识general knowledge;一般情况ordinary circumstances;一般说来generally speaking;从一般到具体from generalities to particulars;在一般水平以上above the average;据说英国的一般学童比欧洲大陆的大多数一般学童聪明。The average British school-boy is said to be more intelligent than the majority of his like on the continent.他是一般工作人员。He is an ordinary member of the staff.
常用词组1.一般安全 generally recognized as safe;2.一般财产税 general property tax;3.一般产品 generic product; mine-run;4.一般代理人 general attorney;5.一般等价物 universal equivalent;6.一般等价形式 universal equivalent form;7.一般等效点 general equivalent points;8.一般递归函数 general recursive function;9.一般调查 look-see;10.一般发价 general offer;11.一般方程 general equation;12.一般费用 general expenses;13.一般概率 general probability;14.一般公债利息 interest on the general government debt;15.一般共产主义 communism in general;16.一般购买力 general purchasing power;17.一般规律 universal law; general rule;18.一般过滤问题 general filtering problem;19.一般过去将来时 {语} past future indefinite;20.一般过去时 past indefinite;21.一般过失 general negligence;22.一般互反律 general reciprocity law;23.一般加工工业 ordinary processing industries;24.一般价值形式 general form of value;25.一般精度 general precision;26.一般经济规律 general economic law;27.一般均衡 {经} general equilibrium;28.一般均衡论 General Equilibrium Theory;29.一般抗性 general resistance;30.一般空间微分几何 general space differential geometry;31.一般劳动过程 general labor process;32.一般理论 general theory;33.一般利率 normal interest rate;34.一般利润率 general rate of profit;35.一般力学 general mechanics;36.一般量 general quantity;37.一般疗法 general treatment;38.一般民事纠纷 ordinary civil disputes;39.一般朋友 acquaintance;40.一般模式 general model;41.一般轻型歼击机 common light fighter;42.一般人事费 common staff cost;43.一般身体训练 general fitness training;44.一般失调 general detuning;45.一般说明 general remark;46.一般算术 universal arithmetic;47.一般税率 general rate;48.一般所得税 general income tax;49.一般天气推断 general inference;50.一般拓扑 general topology;51.一般稳定准则[稳定判据] general stability criterion;52.一般吸收 general absorption;53.一般系统理论 general system theory;54.一般现在时 {语} present indefinite simple present;55.一般线性群 general linear groups;56.一般项 general term; average term;57.一般刑事案件 ordinary criminal case;58.一般刑事犯 ordinary criminal offender;59.一般型曲面 surface of general type;60.一般旋轮线 roulette;61.一般疑问句 {语} general question;62.一般演替 universal succession;63.一般因子 general factor;64.一般雨量 {气} general rainfall;65.一般语言学 general linguistics;66.一般域 general domain;67.一般原则 rule;68.一般照明 general illumination; general lighting;69.一般走向 general trend




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