

单词 reverie


See also: rêverie


WOTD – 31 December 2012, 31 December 2014

Alternative forms

  • rêverie
  • revery


  • enPR: rĕʹvə-rē, IPA(key): /ˈɹɛvəɹi/
  • (file)

Etymology 1

From French rêverie.


reverie (countable and uncountable, plural reveries)

  1. A state of dreaming while awake; a loose or irregular train of thought; musing or meditation; daydream. [from 1657]
    • 1837, L[etitia] E[lizabeth] L[andon], Ethel Churchill: Or, The Two Brides. [], volume III, London: Henry Colburn, [], OCLC 21345056, page 77:
      If you rouse from your reverie, you are restless and agitated; your eye wanders round in one perpetual search; and if, perchance, as has happened once or twice, he has only passed in the distance, your eye brightens, your cheek flushes crimson, and your whole frame quivers with uncontrollable emotion!
    • 1847, Alfred Tennyson, The Princess, Canto VII, lines 107-108
      we sat / But spoke not, rapt in nameless reverie, []
    • 1899, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, “The Day-Dream”, in Pictures & poems:
      Within the branching shade of Reverie / Dreams even may spring till autumn; yet none be / ⁠Like woman's budding day-dream spirit-fann'd.
    • 1913, Robert Barr, chapter 3, in Lord Stranleigh Abroad:
      He fell into a reverie, a most dangerous state of mind for a chauffeur, since a fall into reverie on the part of a driver may mean a fall into a ravine on the part of the machine.
    • 2012 June 3, Nathan Rabin, “TV: Review: THE SIMPSONS (CLASSIC): “Mr. Plow” (season 4, episode 9; originally aired 11/19/1992)”, in (Please provide the book title or journal name):
      Even the blithely unselfconscious Homer is more than a little freaked out by West’s private reverie, and encourages his spawn to move slowly away without making eye contact with the crazy man.
    Synonyms: castles in Spain, castle in the air, daydream, daydreaming, oneirism
  2. An extravagant conceit of the imagination; a vision.
    • November 17, 1711, Joseph Addison, The Spectator No. 225
      If the minds of men were laid open, we should see but little difference between that of the wise man and that of the fool; There are infinite reveries , numberless extravagancies , and a perpetual train of vanities , which pass through both .
See also
  • build castles in the air
  • woolgather

Etymology 2

From Middle French reverie (revelry, drunkenness), from Old French resverie, from resver (to dream, to rave), of uncertain origin. Compare rave.


reverie (plural reveries)

  1. (archaic) A caper, a frolic; merriment. [mid 14th Century]

Further reading

  • daydream on Wikipedia.Wikipedia

Old French


reverie f (oblique plural reveries, nominative singular reverie, nominative plural reveries)

  1. Alternative form of resverie



Borrowed from French rêverie.


reverie f (plural reverii)

  1. reverie, any form of dreaming (e.g. daydreaming, dreaming, and thinking)


See also

  • visare




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