

单词 reunificationist




reunification + -ist


reunificationist (plural reunificationists)

  1. A supporter of reunification.
    • 2014 March 16, Nfi, Joseph Lon, The Reunification Debate in British Southern Cameroons: The Role of French Cameroon Immigrants, Langaa RPCIG, →ISBN, page 315:
      Ahidjo therefore wanted to exploit the camaraderie that existed among the grassland leaders and the popularity of Sultan Seidou Njoya as a reunificationist and someone viewed as a paternal figurehead by the Bamenda grassland notables, to impose a centralized federation on the Southern Cameroons.
    • 2015 June 17, Kate Skinner, The Fruits of Freedom in British Togoland: Literacy, Politics and Nationalism, 1914–2014, Cambridge University Press, →ISBN, page 148:
      In particular, rallies were often called in order to collect funds to support reunificationist petitioners' travel to the United Nations in New York, and were also held to coincide with their return in order that progress could be reported back.
    • 2020 August 31, Gregoris Ioannou, The Normalisation of Cyprus’ Partition Among Greek Cypriots: Political Economy and Political Culture in a Divided Society, Springer Nature, →ISBN, page 170:
      In the present book, I will satisfy myself with outlining the reunificationist forces from the perspective of how things stand in 2020.




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